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2023 North Dakota Membership Dues
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2023 Convention Registration Form
Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota July 13th-15th 2023 Convention Registration Form Holiday Inn 3803 13th Ave...
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2023 Tri State Convention Schedule
2023 MHPA/ND/SD Summer Convention Tentative as of 5/31/23 Thursday, July 13th_20231:00pm.- MN Board Meeting (Room:...
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The People Keeping Bees on Paris’s Most Famous Landmarks
THE STORY OF JEAN PAUCTON, the Parisian beekeeper, reads like a cross between a children’s book and an urban legend....
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NDSU research into bees’ winter survival could help sustain farms, ranches
FARGO — There’s a buzz at a federal facility at North Dakota State University, and it’s not just coming from insects...
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A beekeeper is a person who keeps honey bees.
Honey bees produce commodities such as honey, beeswax, pollen, propolis, and royal jelly, while some beekeepers also raise queens and bees to sell to other farmers and to satisfy scientific curiosity. Beekeepers also use honeybees to provide pollination services to fruit and vegetable growers. Many people keep bees as a hobby. Others do it for income either as a sideline to other work or as a commercial operator. These factors affect the number of colonies maintained by the beekeeper.